def show_color_picture() a=make2d(50,50) for y in 0..49 for x in 0..49 a[y][x]=[0.5,(1.0-y)**2/49.0**2,(x+y)**2/(49.0*2)**2] end end show(a) end
def b(s,x,y) if distance(x,y,s/2,s/2) <= s/2 (2*s/3-distance(x,y,2*s/3,s/3))/(2*s/3) else 1.0 end end def sphere(s) image = make2d(s, s) for y in 0..(s -1) for x in 0..(s -1) image[y][x] = b(s,x,y) end end image end
# HAARウェーブレット変換によるデータの画像への隠蔽 # コピープロテクトとして用いることができる。 # 購入者のIDをwatermarkとして画像に埋め込み # 画像が流出した際にその画像からwatermarkを取り出し # 流出させた人物を特定することができる。 # robustなwatermarkにするために、周波数成分に埋め込む。 # jpeg圧縮、ガウスノイズ、回転、縮小などによりデータを失わない。 # 3level dwt, and hide watermark in HL area. # watermark = [1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1] def array [[ 161.798, 161.357, 160.617, 160.802, 161.83, 158.157, 158.054, 161.684 .... ]] end x,y = array[0].length,array.length new_array = make2d(x,y) array.each_with_index do |ar,j| ar.each_with_index do |a,k| new_array[j][k]=a/255 end end def dwt_yoko(array) x,y = array[0].length,array.length new_array = make2d(x,y) (x-1).times do |l| (y-1).times do |m| if l < x/2 new_array[l][m] = (array[2*l][m]+array[2*l+1][m])/2 elsif l < x-1 new_array[l][m] = (array[2*(l-x/2)][m]-array[2*(l-x/2)+1][m]+1)/2 end end end return new_array end def dwt_tate(array) x,y = array[0].length,array.length new_array = make2d(x,y) (x-1).times do |l| (y-1).times do |m| if m < y/2 new_array[l][m] = (array[l][2*m]+array[l][2*m+1])/2 elsif m < y-1 new_array[l][m] = (array[l][2*(m-y/2)]-array[l][2*(m-y/2)+1]+1)/2 end end end return new_array end def dwt(array) return dwt_tate(dwt_yoko(array)) end def idwt_yoko(array) x,y = array[0].length,array.length new_array = make2d(x,y) (x/2-1).times do |l| (y-1).times do |m| array[l+x/2][m] = 0 if !array[l+x/2][m] array[l][m] = 0 if !array[l][m] new_array[2*l-1][m] = array[l][m]+array[l+x/2][m]-1/2 new_array[2*l][m] = array[l][m]-array[l+x/2][m]+1/2 end end return new_array end def idwt_tate(array) x,y = array[0].length,array.length new_array = make2d(x,y) (x-1).times do |l| (y/2-1).times do |m| array[l][m+y/2] = 0 if !array[l][m+y/2] array[l][m] = 0 if !array[l][m] new_array[l][2*m-1] = array[l][m]+array[l][m+y/2]-1/2 new_array[l][2*m] = array[l][m]-array[l][m+y/2]+1/2 end end return new_array end def idwt(array) return idwt_yoko(idwt_tate(array)) end 3.times do |i| new_array = dwt(new_array) end data = [1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1] watermark = make2d(x/8,y/8) (x/8).times do |xx| (y/8).times do |yy| new_array[(7*x/8)+xx][yy]=data[(xx/(64/3)).floor*3+(yy/(64/3)).floor] end end 3.times do |i| new_array = idwt(new_array) end show(new_array)
def wave(x,y,u,v) (1+sin(distance(x,y,u,v)))*0.5 end def interference3_simple(s,a,b,c) z = make2d(2*s,2*s) for y in 0..2*s-1 for x in 0..2*s-1 z[y][x] = [wave(x,y, s*(1+cos(a)) , s*(1+sin(a)) ), wave(x,y, s*(1+cos(b)) , s*(1+sin(b)) ), wave(x,y, s*(1+cos(c)) , s*(1+sin(c)) )] end end show(z) end3波の干渉/複雑版
ha=hb=hc=1 frequencya=frequencyb=frequencyc=1 lengtha=lengthb=lengthcこれにより17あった変数を9にまで減らすことができる。
なお、添付画像は interference3_complex(200,20,50,0.4,10,10,110,140,0.6,15,24,50,190,1,24,8,18) である。
def pi 3.14159265358979323846264 #円周率 end def wave(h,t,x,y,u,v,l,f) h*(1+sin(2*pi*(distance(x,y,u,v)/l - t/f)))*0.5 end def interference3_complex(s,xa,ya,ha,lengtha,frequencya,xb,yb,hb,lengthb,frequencyb,xc,yc,hc,lengthc,frequencyc,t) z = make2d(s,s) for y in 0..s-1 for x in 0..s-1 z[y][x] = [wave(ha,t,x,y,xa,ya,lengtha,frequencya), wave(hb,t,x,y,xb,yb,lengthb,frequencyb), wave(hc,t,x,y,xc,yc,lengthc,frequencyc)] end end show(z) end
def japan(s) t=s*3/2 image=make2d(s,t) for x in 0..(s-1) for y in 0..(t-1) if distance(x,y,s/2,t/2) <= 3*s/10 image[x][y]=[1,0,0] else image[x][y]=[1,1,1] end end end image end
def random_gradient_rgb(width = 256, height = 256) canvas = make2d(height, width) rxy = rand() rxd = rand() * 2 * PI ryd = rand() * 2 * PI gxy = rand() gxd = rand() * 2 * PI gyd = rand() * 2 * PI bxy = rand() bxd = rand() * 2 * PI byd = rand() * 2 * PI for y in 0..canvas.length()-1 for x in 0..canvas[y].length()-1 r = 0.5 + (rxy * sin(x * 0.05 + rxd) + (1 - rxy) * cos(y * 0.05 + ryd)) / 2.0 g = 0.5 + (gxy * sin(x * 0.05 + gxd) + (1 - gxy) * cos(y * 0.05 + gyd)) / 2.0 b = 0.5 + (bxy * sin(x * 0.05 + bxd) + (1 - bxy) * cos(y * 0.05 + byd)) / 2.0 canvas[y][x] = [r, g, b] end end show(canvas) return [rxy, rxd, ryd, gxy, gxd, gyd, bxy, bxd, byd] end2作目「HSVグラデーション」
def hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) h *= 360 c = v * s x = c * (1 - ((h / 60.0) % 2 - 1).abs) m = v - c r, g, b = case when h < 60 then [c, x, 0] when h < 120 then [x, c, 0] when h < 180 then [0, c, x] when h < 240 then [0, x, c] when h < 300 then [x, 0, c] else [c, 0, x] end [r, g, b].map{|channel| (channel + m)} end def random_gradient_hsv(width = 256, height = 256) canvas = make2d(height, width) hxy = rand() hxd = rand() * 2 * PI hyd = rand() * 2 * PI sxy = rand() sxd = rand() * 2 * PI syd = rand() * 2 * PI vxy = rand() vxd = rand() * 2 * PI vyd = rand() * 2 * PI for y in 0..canvas.length()-1 for x in 0..canvas[y].length()-1 h = 0.5 + (hxy * sin(x * 0.05 + hxd) + (1 - hxy) * cos(y * 0.05 + hyd)) / 2.0 s = 0.5 + (sxy * sin(x * 0.05 + sxd) + (1 - sxy) * cos(y * 0.05 + syd)) / 2.0 v = 0.5 + (vxy * sin(x * 0.05 + vxd) + (1 - vxy) * cos(y * 0.05 + vyd)) / 2.0 canvas[y][x] = hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) end end show(canvas) return [hxy, hxd, hyd, sxy, sxd, syd, vxy, vxd, vyd] end3作目「虹
def rainbow_gradient(width = 256, height = 256) table = [[0.08777,0.00000,0.19463],中略,[0.13614,0.00000,0.00000]] canvas = make2d(height, width) for y in 0..canvas.length()-1 for x in 0..canvas[y].length()-1 p = (table.length() - 1) * (x + y) / (width + height) r = table[p.floor][0] * (1 - (p - p.floor)) + table[p.ceil][0] * (p - p.floor) g = table[p.floor][1] * (1 - (p - p.floor)) + table[p.ceil][1] * (p - p.floor) b = table[p.floor][2] * (1 - (p - p.floor)) + table[p.ceil][2] * (p - p.floor) canvas[y][x] = [r, g, b] end end show(canvas) return true end4作目「花火」
def firework(width = 256, height = 256) canvas = fill_in(make2d(height, width), [0, 0, 0, 1]) length = (rand() * [width, height].min / 2).to_i number = ((length + [width, height].min / 4) / 2).to_i table = [[0.08777,0.00000,0.19463],中略,[0.13614,0.00000,0.00000]] p = (table.length() - 1) * rand() r = table[p.floor][0] * (1 - (p - p.floor)) + table[p.ceil][0] * (p - p.floor) g = table[p.floor][1] * (1 - (p - p.floor)) + table[p.ceil][1] * (p - p.floor) b = table[p.floor][2] * (1 - (p - p.floor)) + table[p.ceil][2] * (p - p.floor) for i in 0..number max = length ** 2 angle = rand() * 2 * PI xa = cos(angle) * length / max ya = sin(angle) * length / max yb = 0.05 * height * sqrt(height / length) / length ** 4 x0 = width / 2 y0 = height / 2 for t in 0..max x = (x0 + xa * t).to_i y = (y0 + ya * t + yb * t ** 2).to_i if(y > height - 1) next end a = 1.0 * t / max canvas[y][x] = [r, g, b, a] end end show(canvas) return [length, number, [r, g, b]] end5作目「パワーアップ花火」
def firework_gradient(width = 256, height = 256) image = fill_in(make2d(height, width), 0) for k in 0..7 canvas = fill_in(make2d(height, width), [0, 0, 0, 0]) length = (rand() * [width, height].min / 2).to_i number = ((length + [width, height].min / 4) / 2).to_i table = 略 p = (table.length() - 1) * rand() r = table[p.floor][0] * (1 - (p - p.floor)) + table[p.ceil][0] * (p - p.floor) g = 略 b = 略 c = hsv_to_rgb(rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b)[0], rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b)[1], 1) r = c[0] g = c[1] b = c[2] for i in 0..number max = length ** 2 angle = rand() * 2 * PI xa = cos(angle) * length / max ya = sin(angle) * length / max yb = 0.05 * height * sqrt(height / length) / length ** 4 x0 = width / 2 y0 = height / 2 for t in 0..max x = (x0 + xa * t).to_i y = (y0 + ya * t + yb * t ** 2).to_i if(y > height - 1) next end a = 1.0 * t / max canvas[y][x] = [r, g, b, a] end end image = alpha_blend(canvas, image) end show(image) return true end6作目「空に架かる虹」
def rainbow_in_the_sky(width = 256, height = 256) table = [[0,0,0],[0.03215,0.00000,0.06704],中略,[0.07337,0.00000,0.00000],[0,0,0]] canvas = fill_in(make2d(height, width), [0, 0, 0, 0]) for y in 0..canvas.length()-1 for x in 0..canvas[y].length()-1 r = sqrt((x - width / 2.0) ** 2 + (y - height) ** 2) p = 2.0 * r / height - 1.0 if(p < 0 || p > 1) next end p = p * (table.length() - 1) r = table[p.floor][0] * (1 - (p - p.floor)) + table[p.ceil][0] * (p - p.floor) g = table[p.floor][1] * (1 - (p - p.floor)) + table[p.ceil][1] * (p - p.floor) b = table[p.floor][2] * (1 - (p - p.floor)) + table[p.ceil][2] * (p - p.floor) a = rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b)[2] if(a < 0.6) a = a ** 2 / 0.6 end if(a < 0.4) a = a ** 2 / 0.4 end if(a < 0.2) a = a ** 2 / 0.2 end canvas[y][x] = [r, g, b, a] end end show(alpha_blend(canvas, fill_in(make2d(height, width), [0.62, 0.84, 0.93, 1]))) return true end
def b(s,x,y) if distance(x,y,s/2,s/2) <= s/2 (2*s/2-distance(x,y,2*s/2,s/2))/(2*s/2) else 1.0 end end def sphere(s) image = make2d(s, s) for y in 0..(s -1) for x in 0..(s -1) if distance(x,y,s/4,s/4) <= s/2 image[y][x] = [1,1,1] else image[y][x] = [b(s,x,y), 1, 1] end end end image end
def show_color_picture() a=make2d(200,200) for y in 0..199 for x in 0..199 if (x-99)**2+(y-99)**2>2500.0 r=1.0 else r=0.0 end a[y][x]=[r,(200.0-y)/200.0,0.0] end end show(a) end
自分が過去に作ったものの流用ですが、提出しないのももったいないと思ったので提出しておきます。r=[1,0,0] s=[1, 0.7, 0.4] b=[0.5, 0.4, 0] w=[1,1,1] mario=[[w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w], ..., [w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w]] show(mario) # 参考画像:
#r=600 def magatama(r) rr=r*0.4 rrr=r*0.43 sr=r*0.07 array=make2d(r,r) for i in 0..(r-1) for j in 0..(r-1) d=distance(i,j,(r-1)/2.0,(r-1)/2.0) if d>rrr array[i][j]=0 elsif rr<=d && d <= rrr array[i][j]=1 else if i<=(r-1)/2.0 if distance(i,j,0.3*r,0.5*r)<=sr array[i][j]=1 else if j>=(0.5*r)&&(rr/2.0)<=distance(i,j,0.3*r,0.5*r) array[i][j]=1 else array[i][j]=0 end end else array[i][j]=(1-array[r-1-i][r-1-j]) end end end end array end def ura(r) array=magatama(r) for i in 0..(r-1) for j in 0..(r-1) array[i][j]=1-array[i][j] end end array end def draw_bool(r) array=make2d(r,r) u=r/4 sub_array=magatama(u) for i in 0..3 for j in 0..3 for k in 0..(u-1) for m in 0..(u-1) array[i*u+k][j*u+m]=sub_array[k][m] end end end end array end def coloring(r) t=10.0 array=make2d(r,r) for i in 0..(r-1) for j in 0..(r-1) d1=distance(i,j,0,0) d2=distance(i,j,r-1,r-1) d3=distance(i,j,r-1,0) d4=distance(i,j,0,r-1) array[i][j]=[abs((sin(d1/t)+sin(d2/t))/2.0),abs((sin(d1/t)+sin(d3/t))/2.0),abs((sin(d1/t)+sin(d4/t))/2.0)] end end array end def draw(r) color=coloring(r) draw=draw_bool(r) for i in 0..(r-1) for j in 0..(r-1) if draw[i][j]==0 color[i][j]=[color[i][j][0]/8.0,color[i][j][1]/8.0,color[i][j][2]/8.0] end end end color end
def scp(k) a=make2d(k,k) for y in 0..k-1 for x in 0..k-1 a[y][x]= [x.to_f/k.to_f+(k.to_f-2.0*distance(x,y,k*0.25,k*0.75))/k.to_f+rand()*0.08-rand()*0.08, 1.0-y.to_f/k.to_f+(k.to_f-2.0*distance(x,y,k*0.25,k*0.75))/k.to_f+rand()*0.08-rand()*0.08, 1.0+(k.to_f-2.0*distance(x,y,k*0.25,k*0.75))/k.to_f+rand()*0.08-rand()*0.08] end end show(a) end
def color(b) if b == 1 [0,1,0] else [0,0,0] end end # 生きているセルは緑、死んでいるセルは黒で表示する def check(d) if d == [0,1,0] 1 else 0 end end # セルの色から生=1、死=0に戻す def lifegame(n,t) a= make2d(n, n) for y in 0..n-1 for x in 0..n-1 a[y][x]= color(0) end end for y in 1..n-2 for x in 1..n-2 a[y][x] = color((2*rand()).to_i) end end # 初期配置 while t > 0 show(a) t = t - 0.5 c= make2d(n, n) for y in 0..n-1 for x in 0..n-1 if (x == 0||x==(n-1))||(y==0||y==(n-1)) c[x][y] = color(0) else e = check(a[x-1][y-1])+check(a[x-1][y])+check(a[x-1][y+1])+check(a[x][y-1])+check(a[x][y+1])+check(a[x+1][y-1])+check(a[x+1][y])+check(a[x+1][y+1]) if check(a[x][y]) == 1 if e == 2 || e == 3 c[x][y] = color(1) else c[x][y] = color(0) end else if e == 3 c[x][y] = color(1) else c[x][y] = color(0) end end end end end a = c sleep(0.5) end # t繰り返す end
image = make2d(165,165) for y in 0..164 for x in 0..164 image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end if rand(1..6) == 1 print(1) for y in 0..164 for x in 0..164 image[y][x]=[1,0,0] end end for y in 64..99 for x in 64..99 if distance(x,y,82.5,82.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[1,0,0] end end end elsif rand(2..6) == 2 print(2) for y in 30..64 for x in 30..64 if distance(x,y,47.5,47.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 100..134 for x in 100..134 if distance(x,y,117.5,117.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end elsif rand(3..6) == 3 print(3) for y in 30..64 for x in 30..64 if distance(x,y,47.5,47.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 65..99 for x in 65..99 if distance(x,y,82.5,82.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 100..134 for x in 100..134 if distance(x,y,117.5,117.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end elsif rand(4..6) == 4 print(4) for y in 30..64 for x in 30..64 if distance(x,y,47.5,47.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 100..134 for x in 30..64 if distance(x,y,47.5,117.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 30..64 for x in 100..134 if distance(x,y,117.5,47.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 100..134 for x in 100..134 if distance(x,y,117.5,117.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end elsif rand(5..6) == 5 print(5) for y in 30..64 for x in 30..64 if distance(x,y,47.5,47.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 65..99 for x in 65..99 if distance(x,y,82.5,82.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 100..134 for x in 100..134 if distance(x,y,117.5,117.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 100..134 for x in 30..64 if distance(x,y,47.5,117.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 30..64 for x in 100..134 if distance(x,y,117.5,47.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end elsif rand(6..6) == 6 print(6) for y in 25..59 for x in 30..64 if distance(x,y,47.5,42.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 65..99 for x in 30..64 if distance(x,y,47.5,82.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 105..139 for x in 30..64 if distance(x,y,47.5,122.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 25..59 for x in 100..134 if distance(x,y,117.5,42.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 65..99 for x in 100..134 if distance(x,y,117.5,82.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end for y in 105..139 for x in 100..134 if distance(x,y,117.5,122.5)<=17.5 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] else image[y][x]=[0.5,1,1] end end end end show(image)
def hkt #make base hkt = make2d(162,144) #color_definition # #background b1 = [0,150/255.0,230/255.0] b2 = [0,160/255.0,70/255.0] b3 = [80/255.0,0,40/255.0] # #common s1 = [255/255.0,226/255.0,177/255.0] #skin s2 = [235/255.0,170/255.0,85/255.0] s3 = [210/255.0,140/255.0,45/255.0] e1 = [145/255.0,88/255.0,33/255.0] #eye e2 = [200/255.0,185/255.0,158/255.0] w = [1,1,1] #white b = [0,0,0] #black # #kenshiro kh1 = [50/255.0,40/255.0,20/255.0] #hair kh2 = [6/255.0,5/255.0,4/255.0] kh3 = [110/255.0,90/255.0,50/255.0] ke1 = [0,132/255.0,147/255.0] #eye:ke1 is the same color as shachi's listband ke2 = [0,90/255.0,105/255.0] ke3 = [0,30/255.0,50/255.0] kc1 = [0,0,130/255.0] #clothes kc2 = [0,84/255.0,180/255.0] kc3 = [0,0,42/255.0] # #shachi sh1 = [1,1,212/255.0] #hair sh2 = [240/255.0,230/255.0,160/255.0] sh3 = [210/255.0,200/255.0,110/255.0] sh4 = [180/255.0,165/255.0,80/255.0] sh5 = [150/255.0,130/255.0,50/255.0] se1 = [0,185/255.0,61/255.0] #eye se2 = [0,150/255.0,49/255.0] se3 = [0,80/255.0,25/255.0] sl1 = [0,176/255.0,191/255.0] #listband sl2 = [84/255.0,231/255.0,248/255.0] #notice:sl3 is the same color as kenshiro's eye(ke1) # #kaioh kp1 = [192/255.0,0,1] #purple part kp2 = [88/255.0,0,115/255.0] ky1 = [1,243/255.0,54/255.0] #yellow part ky2 = [1,168/255.0,42/255.0] kr1 = [1,37/255.0,37/255.0] #red part kr2 = [1,177/255.0,177/255.0] kb1 = [80/255.0,80/255.0,80/255.0] #black part kb2 = [16/255.0,16/255.0,16/255.0] #show picture #chikarawaza nimo hodo ga aru hkt = [[b1,b1,b1,...,kp2], ... [b,b,b,...b]] end show (hkt)
def r(s, x, y) if distance(x, y, s/2.0, s/3.0) <= (0.9/3)*s 1 else 0 end end def g(s, x, y) if distance(x, y, s/3.0, 2*s/3) <= (0.9/3)*s 1 else 0 end end def b(s, x, y) if distance(x, y, 2*s/3.0, 2*s/3.0) <= (0.9/3)*s 1 else 0 end end def color1(s, x, y) [r(s, x, y), g(s, x, y), b(s, x, y)] end def rgb(s) image1 = make2d(s, s) for y in 0..(s-1.0) for x in 0..(s-1.0) image1[y][x] = color1(s, x, y) end end image1 end加法混色に引き続き、色の三原色による減法混色の図です。加法混色の図のコードを少し書き換えるだけで作ることができましたが、減法混色の名の通り、引き算(-1の足し算)を意識したものとなりました。添付画像はs=300としたときのものです。
def inb(s, x, y) if distance(x, y, s/2.0, s/3.0) <= (0.9/3)*s -1 else 0 end end def ing(s, x, y) if distance(x, y, s/3.0, 2*s/3) <= (0.9/3)*s -1 else 0 end end def inr(s, x, y) if distance(x, y, 2*s/3.0, 2*s/3.0) <= (0.9/3)*s -1 else 0 end end def color2(s, x, y) [1 + inr(s, x, y), 1 + ing(s, x, y), 1 + inb(s, x, y)] end def ymc(s) image2 = make2d(s, s) for y in 0..(s-1.0) for x in 0..(s-1.0) image2[y][x] = color2(s, x, y) end end image2 end
これで完成。関数show()で表示。 ただし、3つの引数は順に表示範囲の大きさ(a単位)、ボーア半径(pixel),補正値(正数)である(添付図は20,10,3)。この図は水素原子の3s軌道に対応した波動関数の二乗を濃淡で表し、正が赤、負が青。濃い場所ほど電子が存在する確率が高いらしい。なお、波動関数は構造化学の教科書より引用し、そのままだと色が薄いから対数関数で補正してある。bはその程度を指定する。
def Image (s,a,b) l=a*s*2 a = a.to_f max = 0.0 image = for i in 0..(l-1) image[i] = end for i in 0..(l-1) for j in 0..(l-1) r = distance(i,j,l/2,l/2).to_f v = (27-18*r/a+2*(r**2)/(a**2))*exp(-r/3/a) image[i][j] = v if v.abs > max max = v.abs end end end for i in 0..(l-1) for j in 0..(l-1) v = image[i][j] if b == 0 vv = (v.abs/max)**2 else vv = log((v.abs/max)**2*(E**b-1)+1)/b end if v >= 0.0 image[i][j] = [1,1-vv,1-vv] else image[i][j] = [1-vv,1-vv,1] end end end return image end
def color(l,x,y) s=(sin((distance(l/3.0,l/3.0,x,y)+distance(l/3.0,2*l/3.0,x,y)+distance(2*l/3.0,l/3.0,x,y)+distance(2*l/3.0,2*l/3.0,x,y)))).abs t=(cos((distance(l/3.0,l/3.0,x,y)+distance(l/3.0,2*l/3.0,x,y)+distance(2*l/3.0,l/3.0,x,y)+distance(2*l/3.0,2*l/3.0,x,y)))).abs [s*s*t*t,s*s*t,s*t*t] end def picture(l) a=make2d(l,l) for x in 0..(l-1) for y in 0..(l-1) a[x][y]=color(l,x,y) end end show(a) end
今回は正方形と円の画像を重ねると、正三角形が現れるプログラムを書いてみました。 画像を見ただけだと分からないかもしれませんが、透明なシートに1枚目と2枚目の画像を印刷して重ねると、本当に正方形と円が消えて正三角形が浮かび上がります。
def square1(n) # 黒の正方形を生成する関数。 a=make2d(10*n,10*n) for i in 3*n .. 7*n for j in 3*n .. 7*n a[i][j] = 1 end end for i in 0 .. 10*n-1 for j in 0 .. 10*n-1 a[i][j] = 1-a[i][j] end end return a end ######################################################### def round(n) # 黒の円を生成する関数。 a = make2d(10*n,10*n) s = 5*n t = 5*n for i in 0..10*n-1 for j in 0..10*n-1 if sqrt((i-s)**2+(j-t)**2) >=3*n a[i][j]=1 end end end return a end def region(x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,picture) if (x1-x2)*(y0-y2)>=(x0-x2)*(y1-y2) for i in 0..picture.length()-1 for j in 0..picture[0].length()-1 if (x1-x2)*(i-y2)<(j-x2)*(y1-y2) picture[i][j]= picture[i][j]+1 end end end else for i in 0..picture.length()-1 for j in 0..picture[0].length()-1 if (x1-x2)*(i-y2)>=(j-x2)*(y1-y2) picture[i][j]= picture[i][j]+1 end end end end end ######################################################### def triangle(n) # 黒の三角形を生成する関数。絵を出力するたびに向きが変化する。 a = make2d(10*n,10*n) b = PI*rand(0.0..2.0) x0 = 5*n y0 = 5*n x1 = x0 + 3*n*cos(b) x2 = x0 + 3*n*cos(2*PI/3.0+b) x3 = x0 + 3*n*cos(4*PI/3.0+b) y1 = y0 + 3*n*sin(b) y2 = y0 + 3*n*sin(2*PI/3.0+b) y3 = y0 + 3*n*sin(4*PI/3.0+b) region(x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,a) region(x0,y0,x1,y1,x3,y3,a) region(x0,y0,x2,y2,x3,y3,a) for i in 0..10*n-1 for j in 0..10*n-1 if a[i][j]>=1 a[i][j]=1 end end end return a end ######################################################### def black_white(i,j,picture,both) # 2×2のマスのうち、both=0のときは白いマスの一つをランダムに黒くするプログラム。both=1のときはさらに黒いマスの一つをランダムに白くする。 if picture[2*i+1][2*j]==1 && picture[2*i+1][2*j+1]==1 # p0で番号1のマスに対応 a = rand(0..1) b = rand(0..1) picture[2*i+1][2*j] = a picture[2*i+1][2*j+1] = 1-a picture[2*i][2*j] = both * b picture[2*i][2*j+1] = both *(1-b) else if picture[2*i][2*j]==1 && picture[2*i][2*j+1]==1 # p0で番号2のマスに対応 a = rand(0..1) b = rand(0..1) picture[2*i][2*j] = a picture[2*i][2*j+1] = 1-a picture[2*i+1][2*j] = both * b picture[2*i+1][2*j+1] = both *(1-b) else if picture[2*i][2*j+1]==1 && picture[2*i+1][2*j+1]==1 # p0で番号3のマスに対応 a = rand(0..1) b = rand(0..1) picture[2*i][2*j+1] = a picture[2*i+1][2*j+1] = 1-a picture[2*i+1][2*j] = both * b picture[2*i][2*j] = both *(1-b) else if picture[2*i][2*j]==1 && picture[2*i+1][2*j]==1 # p0で番号4のマスに対応 a = rand(0..1) b = rand(0..1) picture[2*i][2*j] = a picture[2*i+1][2*j] = 1-a picture[2*i][2*j+1] = both * b picture[2*i+1][2*j+1] = both *(1-b) else if picture[2*i][2*j+1]==1 && picture[2*i+1][2*j]==1 # p0で番号5のマスに対応 a = rand(0..1) b = rand(0..1) picture[2*i][2*j+1] = a picture[2*i+1][2*j] = 1-a picture[2*i][2*j] = both * b picture[2*i+1][2*j+1] = both *(1-b) else if picture[2*i][2*j]==1 && picture[2*i+1][2*j+1]==1 # p0で番号6のマスに対応 a = rand(0..1) b = rand(0..1) picture[2*i][2*j] = a picture[2*i+1][2*j+1] = 1-a picture[2*i+1][2*j] = both * b picture[2*i][2*j+1] = both *(1-b) end end end end end end end ######################################################### def imagecode(n) # 絵を暗号化するプログラム。nの10倍の画素数で出力される。 or1 = square1(n) # ここに重ねる前の1枚目の画像の配列を貼り付ける or2 = round(n) # ここに重ねる前の2枚目の画像の配列を貼り付ける or3 = triangle(n) # ここに重ねた後に現れる画像の配列を貼り付ける h = or1.length() # or1の縦の長さ w = or1[0].length() # or1の横の長さ or0 = make2d(h,w) # 砂嵐の元の配列を作る。1〜6の数字を代入。 for i in 0..h-1 for j in 0..w-1 or0[i][j] = rand(1..6) end end p0 = make2d(h*2,w*2) # or0を利用して砂嵐の画像を作る。 p1 = make2d(h*2,w*2) # or1に対応する画像を生成 p2 = make2d(h*2,w*2) # or2に対応する画像を生成 p3 = make2d(h*2,w*2) # or3に対応する画像を生成 # 目的の画像p0,p1,p2,p3は元の画像or0,or1,or2,or3の縦横2倍の長さである。以下、or0の[i,j]成分がp0の4つの成分[2*i][2*j],[2*i][2*j+1],[2*i+1][2*j],[2*i+1][2*j+1]に対応する。 for i in 0..h-1 # or0の配列に対応する砂嵐をp0に入力する。6種類の数字に2×2のすべてのパターンを対応させた。 for j in 0..w-1 c = or0[i][j] if c==2 || c==4 || c==6 p0[2*i][2*j]=1 end if c==2 || c==3 || c==5 p0[2*i][2*j+1]=1 end if c==1 || c==4 || c==5 p0[2*i+1][2*j]=1 end if c==1 || c==3 || c==6 p0[2*i+1][2*j+1]=1 end end end # p1にp0と同じ配列を代入。 for i in 0..2*h-1 for j in 0..2*w-1 p1[i][j]=p0[i][j] end end for i in 0..h-1 for j in 0..w-1 if or1[i][j]==0 # or1の黒いピクセルについて、p1の対応するマスに関数black_whiteを適用 black_white(i,j,p1,0) end end end for i in 0..h-1 for j in 0..w-1 if or2[i][j]==0 && or3[i][j]==0 # or2,or3の対応するピクセルが共に黒 p2[2*i][2*j] = 1 - p0[2*i][2*j] # p0の白黒を反転させてp2に代入 p2[2*i+1][2*j] = 1 - p0[2*i+1][2*j] p2[2*i][2*j+1] = 1 - p0[2*i][2*j+1] p2[2*i+1][2*j+1]= 1 - p0[2*i+1][2*j+1] black_white(i,j,p2,0) # 1つだけ黒くする else if or2[i][j]==1 && or3[i][j]==0 # or2の対応するピクセルが白,or3の対応するピクセルが黒 p2[2*i][2*j] = 1 - p0[2*i][2*j] # p0の白黒を反転させてp2に代入 p2[2*i+1][2*j] = 1 - p0[2*i+1][2*j] p2[2*i][2*j+1] = 1 - p0[2*i][2*j+1] p2[2*i+1][2*j+1]= 1 - p0[2*i+1][2*j+1] else if or1[i][j]==1 && or2[i][j]==0 && or3[i][j]==1 # or1の対応するピクセルが白、or2の対応するピクセルが黒、or3の対応するピクセルが白 p2[2*i][2*j] = p0[2*i][2*j] # p0をそのままp2に代入 p2[2*i+1][2*j] = p0[2*i+1][2*j] p2[2*i][2*j+1] = p0[2*i][2*j+1] p2[2*i+1][2*j+1]= p0[2*i+1][2*j+1] black_white(i,j,p2,0) # 1つだけ黒くする else if or1[i][j]==0 && or2[i][j]==0 && or3[i][j]==1 # or1の対応するピクセルが黒、or2の対応するピクセルが黒、or3の対応するピクセルが白 p2[2*i][2*j] = p1[2*i][2*j] # p1をそのままp2に代入 p2[2*i+1][2*j] = p1[2*i+1][2*j] p2[2*i][2*j+1] = p1[2*i][2*j+1] p2[2*i+1][2*j+1]= p1[2*i+1][2*j+1] else if or1[i][j]==1 && or2[i][j]==1 && or3[i][j]==1 # or1,or2,or3の対応するピクセルが全て白 p2[2*i][2*j] = p0[2*i][2*j] # p0をそのままp2に代入 p2[2*i+1][2*j] = p0[2*i+1][2*j] p2[2*i][2*j+1] = p0[2*i][2*j+1] p2[2*i+1][2*j+1]= p0[2*i+1][2*j+1] black_white(i,j,p2,1) # 1つだけ黒く、1つだけ白くする else if or1[i][j]==0 && or2[i][j]==1 && or3[i][j]==1 # or1の対応するピクセルが黒、or2の対応するピクセルが白、or3の対応するピクセルが白 p2[2*i][2*j] = p0[2*i][2*j] # p0をそのままp2に代入 p2[2*i+1][2*j] = p0[2*i+1][2*j] p2[2*i][2*j+1] = p0[2*i][2*j+1] p2[2*i+1][2*j+1]= p0[2*i+1][2*j+1] end end end end end end end end for i in 0..2*h-1 for j in 0..2*w-1 if p1[i][j]==1 && p2[i][j]==1 p3[i][j]=1 else p3[i][j]=0 end end end show(p1) show(p2) show(p3) end
(田中のコメント) 駒場の山口泰先生の研究室でもこのような研究をしています. の「Visual cryptography」に例がありますね.
def l(x,y) if y >= (-x) + 75 || y >= x + 25 if y <= (-x) + 75.5 && y <= x + 25.5 [1,1,1] else [0.8,0.4,0] end else r = sqrt((x-25)**2 + (y-50)**2) if r <= sqrt( 2 * 25**2) if y >= 44 && x >= 22 && x <= 28 [1,1,1] else [0.3,0.1,0] end else if r >= 50 [0,0,0.5] else [0,0.7,0] end end end end def ground() image = make2d(50,50) for y in 0..49 for x in 0..49 image[y][x] = l(x,y) end end image end
def show_color_picture() a=make2d(100,100) for x in 0..99 for y in 0..99 if distance(x,y,50,50)%2==0 a[y][x]=[0,1.0,0] else if (distance(x,y,50,50)%2!=0) && (distance(x,y,50,50)%3==0) a[y][x]=[0,0,1.0] else if (distance(x,y,50,50)%2!=0) && (distance(x,y,50,50)%3!=0) && (distance(x,y,50,50)%5==0) a[y][x]=[0,0,0] else if (distance(x,y,50,50)%2!=0) && (distance(x,y,50,50)%3!=0) && (distance(x,y,50,50)%5!=0) && (distance(x,y,50,50)%7==0) a[y][x]=[1.0,0,0] else a[y][x]=[0.5,0.5,0.5] end end end end end end show(a) end
def circlewave() a=make2d(501,501) for y in 0..500 for x in 0..500 a[y][x]=[0,0,(cos(distance(250,250,y,x)/10.0)/(1.1**(distance(250,250,y,x)/10.0)))+0.5] end end a end二枚目です。
def circlewave() a=make2d(501,501) for y in 0..500 for x in 0..500 a[y][x]=[(-1*(cos(distance(250,250,y,x)/10.0)/(1.1**(distance(250,250,y,x)/10.0)))+0.5),0,(cos(distance(250,250,y,x)/10.0)/(1.1**(distance(250,250,y,x)/10.0)))+0.5] end end a end
def fish() image=make2d(100,100) for y in 0..99 for x in 0..99 image[y][x]=[0,cos(y)+sin(x),sin(y)+cos(x)] end end show(image) end
# coding: utf-8 def show_picture(n) a = make2d(n,n) n = n.to_f for y in 0 .. n-1 for x in 0 .. n-1 a[y][x]=[sin(x*PI/n)*(0.8+rand()/5), cos(y*PI/n)*(0.8+rand()/5) ,cos(x*PI/n)*sin(y*PI/n)] end end show(a) end<その2> それぞれハーマングリッド、きらめき格子と呼ばれる錯視図形を作成した。 ハーマングリッドは白線の交わる部分が黒く、きらめき格子は格子点の部分の白い円が黒く見えるというもの。 掲示板の画像の大きさだとちょっとわかりにくいかもしれない。
# coding: utf-8 def hermann() a = make2d(1000,1000) for x in 0 .. 999 for y in 0 .. 999 a[x][y] = [0, 0, 0] #一度全て黒と設定する for n in 1 .. 9 if x < (n * 100) + 5 && x > (n * 100) - 5 a[x][y] = [1, 1, 1] elsif y < (n * 100)+5 && y > (n * 100) - 5 a[x][y] = [1, 1, 1] end end #格子状に白線を引いた end end show(a) end def kirameki() a = make2d(1000,1000) for x in 0 .. 999 for y in 0 .. 999 a[x][y] = [0, 0, 0] #一度全て黒と設定する for n in 1 .. 9 if x < (n * 100) + 5 && x > (n * 100) - 5 a[x][y] = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] elsif y < (n * 100)+5 && y > (n * 100) - 5 a[x][y] = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] end end #格子状に灰色の線を引いた for s in 1 .. 9 for t in 1 .. 9 if (x-(s*100)) ** 2 + (y-(t*100)) ** 2 < 50 a[x][y] = [1, 1, 1] end end end #各格子点に白い点を配置 end end show(a) endさきほど思いつきで書いたことをやってみた。 nが画像の大きさ、rが「ランダム度合」で、rは1から100までの間で指定する。 例によって r= 1000 などいい加減な値を代入しても出力はしてくれるが... 画像はn=500, r=75のときのもの。 rをいじって遊ぶとそれなりに楽しめる。
# coding: utf-8 def show_picture(n,r) a = make2d(n,n) n = n.to_f r = r.to_f r = r / 100 for y in 0 .. n-1 for x in 0 .. n-1 a[y][x]=[sin(x*PI/n)*((1-r)+rand()*r), cos(y*PI/n)*(1-r+rand()*r) ,cos(x*PI/n)*sin(y*PI/n)] end end show(a) end
def p(s,x,y) if 2*(y-s/4.0-75)/3.0>=-(4.8*((x-3*s/10.0)**3)/(10**5)-8.4*((x-3*s/10.0)**2) /(10**19)+55*(x-3*s/10.0)/100) && 2*(y-s/4.0-75)/3.0>=4.8*((x-7*s/10.0)**3)/(10**5)-8.4*((x-7*s/10.0)**2) /(10**19)+55*(x-7*s/10.0)/100 && y-75<=180*s/400.0 && (!(y-s/2.0-75>=-(x-130*s/400.0) && y-s/2.0-75>=x-270*s/400.0)) 1.0-(((distance(x,y,s/2.0,s/2.0+75))%45)/45) else if (distance(x,y,127*s/400.0,227*s/400.0+75)<=89*s/400.0 || distance(x,y,273*s/400.0,227*s/400.0+75)<=89*s/400.0) && (!(y-s/2.0-75<=x-130*s/400.0 && y-s/2.0-75<=-(x-270*s/400.0) && y-s/2.0-75>=-(x-130*s/400.0) && y-s/2.0-75>=x-270*s/400.0)) 1.0-(((distance(x,y,s/2.0,s/2.0+75))%45)/45) else if y-227*s/400.0-75>=-(4*(x-s/2.0)) && y-227*s/400.0-75>=4*(x-s/2.0) && (y-334*s/400.0-75)**2>=(1.0-(x-157*s/400.0)**2/36**2)*66**2 && (y-334*s/400.0-75)**2>=(1.0-(x-243*s/400.0)**2/36**2)*66**2 && y<=s+75 && (!(y-s/2.0-75<=x-130*s/400.0 && y-s/2.0-75<=-(x-270*s/400.0))) 1.0-(((distance(x,y,s/2.0,s/2.0+75))%45)/45) else if y-s/2.0-75<=x-130*s/400.0 && y-s/2.0-75<=-(x-270*s/400.0) && y-s/2.0-75>=-(x-130*s/400.0) && y-s/2.0-75>=x-270*s/400.0 1.0-(((distance(x,y,s/2.0,s/2.0+75))%21)/21) else 0 end end end end end def kadai(s) image = make2d(s+150,s) for y in 0..(s+149) for x in 0..(s-1) image[y][x] = [11*p(s,x,y)/14.0,0,0] end end image end def kadai14 kadai14 = kadai(400) end
def wave4corner(s) image = make2d(s,s) for y in 0..(s-1) for x in 0..(s-1) image[y][x] = 0.25*((sin(distance(0,0,x,y)))+(sin(distance(s,s,x,y)))+sin(distance(s,0,x,y))+sin(distance(0,s,x,y))).abs end end image end
def homework2() a=make2d(200,220) for y in 0..199 for x in 0..219 r=distance(y,x,99,109) if r>70 if y%10>4 if x%50>24 a[y][x]=[1,1,1] else a[y][x]=[0,0,0] end else if x%50>24 a[y][x]=[0,0,0] else a[y][x]=[1,1,1] end end else if x%10>4 if y%50>24 a[y][x]=[0,0,0] else a[y][x]=[1,1,1] end else if y%50>24 a[y][x]=[1,1,1] else a[y][x]=[0,0,0] end end end end end show(a) end
def ichimatsu(s) image=make2d(s,s) for y in 0..s-1 for x in 0..s-1 image[y][x]=a(x,y) end end image end def a(x,y) if (x+y)%2 ==0 1 else 0 end end黒と白の縦ラインを作ってみた。
def linear(s) image=make2d(s,s) for y in 0..s-1 for x in 0..s-1 image[y][x]=sin(x/4.0) end end image endレーザービームー
def a(x,y) if x >= y y*1.0 / x*1.0 else x*1.0 / y*1.0 end end def color(s) image=make2d(s,s) for y in 0..s-1 for x in 0..s-1 image[y][x] = [a(x,y) ,1.0-a(x,y), (x+y)*0.5/(s-1)] end end image end
def hana(s) image = make2d(s,s) for y in 0..s-1 for x in 0..s-1 col = (((x-s/2.0)**2+(y-s/2.0)**2)**0.5 - s/2*sin(5*asin((x-s/2.0)/((x-s/2.0)**2+(y-s/2.0)**2)**0.5)))/s image[y][x]=[((sin(8*col))**2)**0.5, 0.8 , ((cos(16*col))**2)**0.5] end end image end
def colorcircle(n,l) a=make2d(l+1,l+1) # 座標の配列作成とRGB値入力の準備 for i in 0..l for j in 0..l a[i][j]=[0, 0, 0] end end for color in 0..2 # RGB値をR,G,Bの順でそれぞれ入力する for k in 0..n-1 # 小さな円の中心Pの位相をずらしていく px=(l/2+l/4*cos(2*PI*k/n+2*PI/3*color)).to_i # (l/2,l/2) は大きい円の中心、P(px,py) は小さい円の中心 # R,G,Bでそれぞれ2*PI/3ごと位相をずらす py=(l/2+l/4*sin(2*PI*k/n+2*PI/3*color)).to_i for i in -l/4..l/4 # 小さい円の半径をl/4とする for j in -(sqrt(l**2/16-i**2)).to_i..(sqrt(l**2/16-i**2)).to_i # 円の内部のみ処理 a[px+i][py+j][color]+=(l/2-sqrt(sqrt((px+i-l/2)**2+(py+i-l/2)**2)))/(l/2)*((k-n/2)/(n/2)).abs/n*2.5 # 大きい円の中心からの距離とPの位相に応じてRGB値を end end end end show(a) # 画像を表示 end
def a(s,x,y) if x>(2.0/3.0)*y && distance(x,y,s,(3.0/2.0)*s)>s/2.0 [0.9-0.1*(2.0*y-3.0*x)/(6.0*s),0.9-0.1*(2.0*y-3.0*x)/(6.0*s),0.85-0.15*(2.0*y-3.0*x)/(6.0*s)] elsif distance(x,y,s,(3.0/2.0)*s)>s/2.0 [0.9-0.9*(2.0*y-3.0*x)/(6.0*s),0.9-0.4*(2.0*y-3.0*x)/(6.0*s),0.85-0.6*(2.0*y-3.0*x)/(6.0*s)] elsif x>(2.0/3.0)*y [1,0,0] else [1,(2.0*y-3.0*x)/(6.0*s),(2.0*y-3.0*x)/(6.0*s)] end end def Flag_Japan_Bangladesh(s) image = make2d(2*s,3*s) for x in 0..(2*s-1) for y in 0..(3*s-1) image[x][y] = a(s,x,y) end end image end
def picture() a=make2d(512,512) for y in 0..511 for x in 0..511 t= if x+y>511 7*tan(x+y) else 2/sin(x+y) end s= if x>y 7*tan(x+y) else 2/sin(x+y) end a[x][y]=[t-s,tan(x*y*0.2),s+t] end end show(a) end
def picture_distance(k) a=make2d(k,k) for y in 0..k-1 for x in 0..k-1 r=distance(0,0,x,y)/(x**(0.5)+y**(0.5)) a[y][x]=[cos(r)%1.0,sin(r)%1.0,tan(r)%1.0] end end show(a) end
def color_distort02(size) picture = make2d(size,size) center = size/2.0 def arg(x,y,c) angle = acos((x-c)/distance(x,y,c,c))/(2*PI) if y < c then angle else 1 - angle end end def gap02(x,y,c) c / distance(x,y,c,c) end for y in 0 .. size-1 for x in 0 .. size-1 r = distance(x,y,center,center) theta = arg(x,y,center) e = gap02(x,y,center) picture[y][x] = [cos(2*PI*theta + e/100) + e,cos(2*PI*(1/6.0 + theta) + e/100) + e,cos(2*PI*(1/3.0 + theta) + e) + e/100] end end picture end
色は適当に目と口と足回り用に2色とそれ以外用に10色Illustratorのカラーパッドから緑系統の色選び、RGBで表した。 それを、列ベクトルに格納し、randを用いて色がランダムに現れるようにした。
そして、for文を用いて中身が空の8×26の行列を作り、for文を用いてランダムな色をそれぞれの要素に格納した。 その後、目、口に個別に色を書き換え、足の部分に剰余とfor文を用いて色を書き換えた。
a = [203.0/255, 217.0/255, 195.0/255] b = [112.0/255, 137.0/255, 109.0/255] c = [52.0/255, 122.0/255, 56.0/255] d = [186.0/255, 204.0/255, 183.0/255] e = [15.0/255, 107.0/255, 55.0/255] f = [98.0/255, 167.0/255, 87.0/255] g = [214.0/255, 219.0/255, 215.0/255] h = [81.0/255, 135.0/255, 82.0/255] i = [143.0/255, 201.0/255, 133.0/255] j = [78.0/255, 93.0/255, 74.0/255] k = [0.0/255, 0.0/255, 0.0/255] l = [34.0/255, 59.0/255, 30.0/255] color = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] color[0] = a color[1] = b color[2] = c color[3] = d color[4] = e color[5] = f color[6] = g color[7] = h color[8] = i color[9] = j color[rand(0..9)] creeper = for i in 0..25 do creeper[i] = end for i in 0..25 do for j in 0..7 do creeper[i][j] = color[rand(0..9)] end end creeper[3][2] = k creeper[3][5] = k creeper[2][1] = l creeper[3][1] = l creeper[2][2] = l creeper[2][5] = l creeper[2][6] = l creeper[3][6] = l #eyes creeper[6][2] = k creeper[5][3] = k creeper[6][3] = k creeper[5][4] = k creeper[6][4] = k creeper[6][5] = k creeper[5][2] = l creeper[7][2] = l creeper[4][3] = l creeper[4][4] = l creeper[5][5] = l creeper[7][5] = l #mouth for i in 0..7 do if i % 2 == 0 creeper[24][i] = l creeper[25][i] = k else creeper[24][i] = k creeper[25][i] = l end end #feet show(creeper)初めに定義したRGBを入れ替えて、緑系統のクリーパーだけでなく他の色のバージョンについても作ってみた。
a = [217.0/255, 203.0/255, 195.0/255] b = [137.0/255, 112.0/255, 109.0/255] c = [122.0/255, 52.0/255, 56.0/255] d = [204.0/255, 186.0/255, 183.0/255] e = [107.0/255, 15.0/255, 55.0/255] f = [167.0/255, 98.0/255, 87.0/255] g = [219.0/255, 214.0/255, 215.0/255] h = [135.0/255, 81.0/255, 82.0/255] i = [201.0/255, 143.0/255, 133.0/255] j = [93.0/255, 78.0/255, 74.0/255] k = [0.0/255,0.0/255, 0.0/255] l = [59.0/255, 34.0/255, 30.0/255] color = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] color[0] = a color[1] = b color[2] = c color[3] = d color[4] = e color[5] = f color[6] = g color[7] = h color[8] = i color[9] = j color[rand(0..9)] creeper = for i in 0..25 do creeper[i] = end for i in 0..25 do for j in 0..7 do creeper[i][j] = color[rand(0..9)] end end creeper[3][2] = k creeper[3][5] = k creeper[2][1] = l creeper[3][1] = l creeper[2][2] = l creeper[2][5] = l creeper[2][6] = l creeper[3][6] = l #eyes creeper[6][2] = k creeper[5][3] = k creeper[6][3] = k creeper[5][4] = k creeper[6][4] = k creeper[6][5] = k creeper[5][2] = l creeper[7][2] = l creeper[4][3] = l creeper[4][4] = l creeper[5][5] = l creeper[7][5] = l #mouth for i in 0..7 do if i % 2 == 0 creeper[24][i] = l creeper[25][i] = k else creeper[24][i] = k creeper[25][i] = l end end #feet show(creeper)
def picture_a(s,k) image=make2d(s,s) for x in (0..s-1) for y in (0..s-1) for i in (1..k) if y>=s*(sin(20*PI*x/s))/20+i*(s-1)/(k+1)-s/75 && y<=s*(sin(20*PI*x/s))/20+i*(s-1)/(k+1)+s/75 image[y][x]=[1,1,1] elsif y>=s*(sin(20*PI*x/s))/20+i*(s-1)/(k+1)+s/75 && y<=s*(sin(20*PI*x/s))/20+(i+1)*(s-1)/(k+1)-s/75 u=1.000000*i/(k+1) v=1.000000*x*i/((k+1)*s) image[y][x]=[v,1-u,0.5] end end if y>=s*(sin(20*PI*x/s))/20+k*(s-1)/(k+1)+s/75 image[y][x]=[1.000000*x/s,0,0.5] end if y<=s*(sin(20*PI*x/s))/20+(s-1)/(k+1)-s/75 image[y][x]=[1.000000*x/((k+1)*s),1,0.5] end end end image end
def rainbow() a=make2d(50,50) for y in 0..49 for x in 0..49 a[y][x]=[y/49.0,x/49.0,1-x/49.0] end end show(a) end
def color_picture() a=make2d(512,512) for y in 0 .. 511 for x in 0 .. 511 a[y][x]=[sin(x*PI/256)*sin(y*PI/256),cos(x*PI/256)*sin(y*PI/256),tan((x*PI/256)*(y*PI/256))] end end show(a) end
def r(x,y) sqrt((x-250)**2+(y-250)**2) end def radify(x,y) if (y-250)>0 acos((x-250)/r(x,y)) else if y==250 if x>=250 0 else PI end else 2*PI-acos((x-250)/r(x,y)) end end end def logarithmic(x,y) a=0 while r(x,y)>exp((radify(x,y)+2*a*PI)*0.3063) a=a+1 end if r(x,y)<(exp((radify(x,y)+2*a*PI)*0.3063)+exp((radify(x,y)+2*(a-1)*PI)*0.3063))/2 b=0 while 2*r(x,y)*cos(PI/3)/(exp(((2*(b+1)*PI)/(3+2*a)+2*a*PI)*0.3063)+exp(((2*(b+1)*PI)/(3+2*a)+2*(a-1)*PI)*0.3063))>1 b=b+1 end while radify(x,y)>(2*(b+1)*PI)/(3+2*a)+PI/3-acos(2*r(x,y)*cos(PI/3)/(exp(((2*(b+1)*PI)/(3+2*a)+2*a*PI)*0.3063)+exp(((2*(b+1)*PI)/(3+2*a)+2*(a-1)*PI)*0.3063))) b=b+1 end c=((4*b*PI/(3.0+2*a)+2*a*PI)-radify(x,y))**3/25000.0 [1,c,c] else d=(radify(x,y)+2*a*PI)/50.0 [1,0.3+2*d,d] end end def scp() image=make2d(500,500) for x in 0..499 for y in 0..499 image[y][x]=logarithmic((607-y),(590-x)) end end image end
def show_color_picture(n) a=make2d(n,n) for y in 0..n-1 for x in 0..n-1 a[y][x]=[sin(x+tan(x**2)).abs,sin(log(cos(y**2).abs+1)),2*asin((x-y)/(n-1)).abs/PI] end end show(a) end